I returned to Korah this morning,
and to my delight was handed a key to the new clinic. Last year, Emily Cornish
(The other RN working in Korah) and I hauled junk out of a storage closet,
bought some shelves, and opened the first clinic. It was modest, but it was all
we had. A couple months ago I received word from Emily that someone had donated
money to build a new clinic. I saw a picture of the building as it was being
erected, and shook my head at God’s goodness.
I headed toward the new clinic with
the key in my hand. Apparently the children remembered that the clinic and I go
together like shells and cheese, because the moment I clicked the latch open
they about stampeded me into the dust. Someday I will record the scene and post
it, just to make someone’s day. With considerable effort, I pushed the mob back
into the street and closed the door behind me. I looked up and was blown away
by the space, the quantity, and the organization. There were two large shelves
stocked with supplies and medicine. The antibiotics were in drawers in baggies
with a full prescription and directions written on them. It was almost
overwhelming to behold.
“My doctor,” One
stated simply.
That was it. I rolled up my sleeves, pulled up a chair, and
there I stayed for the next hour and a half. I found tonsillitis, strep throat,
a twisted ankle, some random aches and pains, and several coughs. It’s good to
be back. Tomorrow I am wearing my scrubs….
So glad to hear & see pictures. God bless you, best friend in the world.