I am just a vessel, broken and useable for Jesus Christ, my High King, who is so good to use me for His purpose and glory. "Hath not the potter power over the clay...?" ~ Romans 9:21

Sunday, June 2, 2013

He is Jealous For Me

In my time with the Lord I have been reading through the Old Testament prophets. I have enjoyed it immensely. So much of God’s character is revealed through the situations and prophecies. I am now at the end of Zechariah. Yesterday, I was very struck by this verse:

“Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘I am exceedingly jealous for Zion, yes, with great wrath I am jealous for her.’” – Zechariah 8:2

“I am exceedingly jealous for Zion…” We, the church, are Zion. He is exceedingly jealous for us. That verse was not the first or only time in the book the Lord said that He was jealous for them. Zechariah said repeatedly, “‘I am jealous for Zion,’ thus says the Lord of hosts.”

I got very stuck on that. I know He wants me. I know He loves me. But to think that He is even jealous over me. Jealous? Yes, and “with great wrath” He is jealous. I’m a really jealous person. I want to be liked, I want to be loved. I am jealous for the attention of people that I love. (My mom is nodding her head. ;) ) That jealousy is not always satisfied, because the people that I love also love others and may even like others more than they like me. The hearts of the people of Israel had wandered from God time and time again. But it amazes me that each time God scattered them, he gathered them back to Himself. Our hearts, as theirs, constantly wander from the fold of God. And yet, He gathers us back because He is jealous for us.

Chapter eight continues with God’s promises of how He will bless and strengthen Israel, how He would build them up again, and bring them peace. Then the last verse of the chapter reads:

“Thus says the Lord of Hosts, ‘In those days ten men from all the nations will grasp the garment of a Jew saying, “Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.”’” (v.23)

I was thinking….uh…whoa. It should be like that for every Christian. I remember my dad praying at the dinner table often that people who don’t know Christ would look at our family and notice we had something they didn’t have. People should notice. It should be very obvious that God is with us.

My dear brothers and sisters, God Almighty is jealous for us! With great wrath He is jealous for you! He gathers you from the corners of the earth where you have been scattered. He strengthens your feeble hands and your shaking knees. He has purposed to do you good. You are the apple of His eye! Praise Him, all you people!

He is jealous for me

Loves like a hurricane

I am a tree, bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy

When all of a sudden

I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory

And I realize just how beautiful you are

And how great your affections are for me

Oh, how he loves us so

Oh, how he loves us

How he loves us so