I am just a vessel, broken and useable for Jesus Christ, my High King, who is so good to use me for His purpose and glory. "Hath not the potter power over the clay...?" ~ Romans 9:21

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

1 Month Before Take-off

            The first things greeting my eyes when I opened them this morning were various maps of Africa, pictures of smiling brown children, foreign scarves, and Ethiopian flags on my walls. Some mornings I wonder if these things belong to me. Did I take those pictures? Did I bring those objects home from some faraway place? Why do I have all these maps?

            God has brought me so far in the last four years. The traces of who I was before God called me into missions lie in memory boxes in the back of my closet. The changes have been fantastic, and have surprised me every time.

            This month I celebrated my graduation from nursing school and the obtaining of my Registered Nursing degree. I can hardly believe it. I never intended to go to college. This among many other things I have done that I never intended to do. I am at the end of a goal I set three years ago. God asked me to go to nursing school to be a medical missionary on a foreign field that would eventually be revealed. Then I met Ethiopia. It became clear that this was the place I was to go and share His love as a nurse when I became one. So I returned to America and chained myself to my books for three years. Nursing school was hard, as it is supposed to be, and God pulled me closer and closer to Himself as I struggled through it. I graduated and bought my ticket for Ethiopia, committing to thirteen months. I took and passed my boards last week. Kayla Emo R.N. And now I wait for August 10th to come.

            I am frightened for the first time. There are so many unknowns about this year. Yet, I remain excited to see what God will make out of me, how He will change me, and what He will do with me in Ethiopia. Please pray for me as I prepare physically, emotionally, and spiritually for this year. There is much to do, but I am trusting in my God, my provider, who is sending me forth as His ambassador. I fly out one month from today, and I will be ready.

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? ”And I said, “Here am I. Send me.”

~ Isaiah 6:8 ~


  1. We're excited for you and praying for you! We believe that God has truly blessed you with this mission. Continue to trust Him and He will never leave your nor forsake you. Deut. 31:6

  2. Congratulations on your most recent achievement, Kayla Emo R.N., God bless you as you follow Him! Looking forward to hearing how God works in and through you in the coming days!

  3. I'm excited for you and praying for you! Looking forward to keeping up with your blog :)

  4. Kayla, my sister and my best friend, you don't...I don't even know how much I will miss being separated from you for so long. You get to be the first to live our dream. Go in peace, knowing that He will be your closest and dearest companion on those long days and nights. I'll, as always, be praying for you, my sister, and I'll try not to turn green with envy.
    Your sister

  5. Kayla, I am in awe of you and so blessed to have met you. I know that God has set His plan for you and I will pray that your efforts are successful. Jenn Carapella
